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[E] CrimsonYoshi
[E] CrimsonYoshi
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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I don't mean to be rude but can someone please notify DanniDorrito that she has an unlocked ban pending it seems to be taking a really long time for by ban appeal to go through. Also why was javi's post removed it was completely relevant.
over 13 years ago
I would really like to know if I could repay the shop owner. I think that would be more fair.
over 13 years ago
Username: Crimsonyoshi Date Banned: 12/16/11 Person Banned By: DanniDorrito Reason for Ban: "Stealing from an unprotected shop. " I did not know that it was a shop chest because the graphic for signs doesn't work properly in my game. I went to one of my friend's shops becuase he said that he had blaze rods but he didn't so I was walking around the market looking for blaze rods and all the shops appeared to be closed until I found this shop that I was at with a sign for blaze rods so I put the gold in the chest and clicked on the sign over and over again but nothing happened so then I tried the other chests and I saw one that was full of pork and a wooden sword and I thought to myself, "Well that's silly who pays with pork that isn't currency," So I figgured that if someone was trying to pay with pork and then just left it there like an idiot that they wouldn't expect to get it back. So I gave some to my friends and stored the rest in a chest in my basement because one of my friends and I were going on a nether adventure and he said we would need pork. So I told him that while I was looking for blaze rods the other day I found this chest full of pork that someone had left in there. I told him that it must've been someone silly trying to pay for whatever in pork so I took it. Then he told me that the stores were all closed because there was a problem with the shops. It didn't occur to me that the pork was for sale in the chest until the other day when I was trying to log into the game because I had promised one of my friends that I'd help him make a nether wart farm and I saw that I was banned. I'm really sorry and I'd like to return the pork and repay for whatever of it was lost. It was a lapse of judgment on my part and I promise that it'll never happen again but I'd like to go back to playing the game at some point and I don't think that this misunderstanding should result in a permenant ban.
over 13 years ago
That didn't really answer my question.
over 13 years ago
So am I banned permenately or is there some way I can make it up because I'd really like to go back to playing.
over 13 years ago